5 Right Steps for Repairing of Concrete Successfully
Chee Hoe Phoon
Concrete repair is a complex task requiring special knowledge from all the people involved: owners, operators, building authorities, designers, executing companies, product manufacturers and suppliers, building control authorities, and even experts.
This course provides an optimal basis for understanding the steps, principles, and methods on the concrete repair work. Here are the Sub-topics of the course:
– Get to know the role of concrete and what are the steps to a successful repair work
Step 1: Assessment of the structure
– What kind of assessment need to be carried out?
Step 2: Diagnose cause of deterioration
– Why concrete deteriorate? How does it look like?
Step 3: Options and objective of repair
– What choice do you have and how to determine your choice?
Step 4: Design and execute repair work
– What kind of repair work can you choose?
Step 5: Future maintenance
– How to determine maintenance work?
By learning this course, you definitely will know how to get the concrete repair work done correctly.
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