6 Simple Steps to kick start your Financial Planning journey
What is financial planning? The word “financial planning” is by no means complicated. I will share with you the six simple (and important) financial planning steps here. Yes, it’s simple actually! Sub-topics of the course:
~ who is this guy called Alex Yeoh?
What is Financial Planning?
~ Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s financial planning…
Where does my money goes?
~ Showing you a very classic story where does our money goes to each month
Step 1: ‘Know Your Money’ (KYM)
~ Money come and go. If we don’t know them well, they will leave us behind with nothing.
~ How to track it easily and effectively?
Step 2: The Money Equation
~ Ohhhhh… It’s a science or art to handle our money.
~ Different equation will give you different outcome financially.
Step 3: Learn how to SPEND
~ Yup. Spending money for me is an art.
~ Who does not enjoy spending money? I do…
~ But, how are we going to spend our money is gonna make a huge difference to our pocket.
Step 4: Learn how to ALLOCATE
~ There is a golden formula to this
~ The best part is I will be using football to explain this part 🙂
Step 5: Review & Adjust
~ Again, by using football as an example, I will be acting as the coach
~ Why this is important during a football match? Watch out!
Step 6: Learn, Learn, Learn… and conclusion…
~ Final part yet crucial for the whole process.
~ Preview to Alex Yeoh’s future course that you just cannot missed…
Happy Learning by way of Watching @@
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Course Includes
- 8 Lessons
- 2 Quizzes
- Course Certificate