Knowing the 3W (What, Why, When) of Concrete Damage in 1 hour

In less than 1-hour time, you will be able to know most of the causes of concrete deterioration, how and when it will happen.

Chee Hoe Phoon


The environments that we place our reinforced concrete structures can cause various deterioration and affect their in-service durability, leading to loss of functionality, unplanned maintenance, or remediation, and in the worst cases, loss of structural integrity and resultant safety risks.

This course provides an overview of most of the causes of concrete deterioration that will occur throughout their servicing life and discuss in detail what is the deterioration mechanism and when it occurs.

By knowing the causes of concrete deterioration, you are able to predict the damages that the concrete structures are going to experience, determine the preventive action and implement the correct solution. Here is what you will learn:

~An overview of this course and outline the topics that will be covered in this course.

Lesson 1: Concrete Deterioration in the Early Stage
~Provide the causes of deterioration in the early stage of the concrete that can lead the serious damage later in their life of service.

Lesson 2: Categorization of Causes of Deterioration in Concrete
~Categorized the causes of concrete deterioration that can be easily differentiated and understand.

Lesson 3: Mechanical Damage
~Discuss on the type and the details of mechanical damage that causes the deterioration.

Lesson 4: Chemical Attack
~Discuss on the type and the details of chemical damage that causes the deterioration.

Lesson 5: Physical Damage
~Discuss on the type and the details of physical damage that causes the deterioration.

Lesson 6: Fire Damage
~Discuss on how fire can cause the deterioration.

Lesson 7: Cause of Reinforcement Corrosion
~Discuss on how the reinforcement corrosion can damage the concrete.

Recap and Summary

After going through all these lessons, this knowledge can definitely save you a lot of time and budget in maintaining your properties.

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Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
  • Course Certificate