6 Simple Steps to kick start your Financial Planning journey

In this very first video course on this platform, Alex Yeoh shared about the 6 simple steps to kick start the financial planning journey. Is it about the plan? Is it about the products or services? Hmmm...

Alex Yeoh


What is financial planning? The word “financial planning” is by no means complicated. I will share with you the six simple (and important) financial planning steps here. Yes, it’s simple actually! Sub-topics of the course:

~ who is this guy called Alex Yeoh?

What is Financial Planning?
~ Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s financial planning…

Where does my money goes?
~ Showing you a very classic story where does our money goes to each month

Step 1: ‘Know Your Money’ (KYM)
~ Money come and go. If we don’t know them well, they will leave us behind with nothing.
~ How to track it easily and effectively?

Step 2: The Money Equation
~ Ohhhhh… It’s a science or art to handle our money.
~ Different equation will give you different outcome financially.

Step 3: Learn how to SPEND
~ Yup. Spending money for me is an art.
~ Who does not enjoy spending money? I do…
~ But, how are we going to spend our money is gonna make a huge difference to our pocket.

Step 4: Learn how to ALLOCATE
~ There is a golden formula to this
~ The best part is I will be using football to explain this part 🙂

Step 5: Review & Adjust
~ Again, by using football as an example, I will be acting as the coach
~ Why this is important during a football match? Watch out!

Step 6: Learn, Learn, Learn… and conclusion…
~ Final part yet crucial for the whole process.
~ Preview to Alex Yeoh’s future course that you just cannot missed…

Happy Learning by way of Watching @@

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About Instructor

Alex Yeoh

7 Courses

+54 enrolled
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Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
  • 2 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate