
  • 6 Lessons

    Deal Closing Secrets

    Helping small businesses market their products and services is still quite profitable.
  • 10 Lessons

    Effective Payroll Administration in Malaysia

    This comprehensive online course is specifically designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the intricate world of payroll management.
  • 11 Lessons

    High Ticket Sales Secrets

    If you want to sell anything online, it’s actually not all that hard. Closing a sale is not the problem. Generating consistent, high-value sales, that's the issue.
  • 10 Lessons

    How To Start Online Coaching Business

    Everybody is an expert (or 'expert enough') in at least one body of knowledge.  It doesn't matter what it is.
  • 10 Lessons

    Managing Discipline in the Workplace: Best Practices for Employers in Malaysia

    Equipping the company’s HR personnel with the necessary legal knowledge and procedures needed to manage employee discipline effectively in the diverse workplace environment of Malaysia.
  • 12 Lessons

    Modern Podcasting

    In this video course you will learn step by step about creating a successful podcast. You will learn how to create high quality and high value podcasts that listeners crave and how you can get the word out to your target audience.
  • 9 Lessons

    Navigating Termination of Employees in Malaysia – Legal Framework and Best Practices

    This course will equip participants with the legal knowledge and practical skills needed to effectively manage employee terminations in Malaysia while minimizing legal risk and promoting positive workplace relationships.
  • 10 Lessons

    Persuasive Power with Business Storytelling

    How can storytelling be persuasive? Why is storytelling important in persuasion? What is the power of storytelling in business? Let’s explore the power of storytelling in a business context here.
  • 12 Lessons

    The Fundamental of Administration

    The fundamentals of administration encompass the principles and practices that are essential for effectively managing organizations and achieving their objectives. Administration involves the coordination of resources, people, and processes to ensure the smooth operation of an organization.
  • 7 Lessons

    The Fundamental of Basic Accounting

    Basic accounting is the process of recording, summarizing, and reporting financial transactions within an organization. It provides essential information for decision-making, financial management, and compliance with financial regulations.
  • 20 Lessons

    The Fundamental of Effective Business Writing

    These fundamentals of business writing will help you create effective, professional, and impactful written communication in various business contexts, whether it's in emails, reports, proposals, or other documents.
  • 9 Lessons

    The Fundamental of Human Resource Management

    Human Resource Management (HRM) is a critical function in organizations that focuses on managing and optimizing the workforce to achieve organizational goals. The fundamentals of Human Resource Management include a range of principles and practices aimed at effectively managing an organization's human capital.
  • 4 Lessons

    The Fundamental of Market Research

    Market research is a crucial component of any business strategy. It involves the systematic collection and analysis of information related to a specific market, including its potential customers, competitors, and industry trends. This process helps businesses make informed decisions, develop effective marketing strategies, and identify opportunities and challenges.
  • 9 Lessons

    The Fundamental of Marketing

    Marketing is a fundamental business function that involves creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging value to customers. It plays a critical role in promoting products or services and building brand awareness.
  • 14 Lessons

    The Fundamental of Operations Management

    Operations management is a critical area of business that focuses on the design, planning, execution, and control of an organization's operations and processes to deliver goods and services efficiently and effectively. The fundamentals of operations management include various principles and concepts to optimize production and service delivery.
  • 14 Lessons

    The Fundamentals of Corporate Governance

    This comprehensive course is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of the principles and practices of corporate governance. Whether you are a business owner, executive, board member, or aspiring to be in a leadership role, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage and govern your organization.
  • 19 Lessons

    The Ultimate Online Course Creation Blueprint

    Create and Launch Your Own Online Course: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • 10 Lessons

    Time Management For Entrepreneurs

    Productivity and time management skills are one of the most significant indicators of whether or not entrepreneur will succeed. For entrepreneurs, managing their time is more critical than ever.
  • 10 Lessons

    Work From Home Productivity

    Working from home can be the best thing that could happen to you.
  • 5 Lessons

    如何写出一份完美的商业计划书 – 通向成功

    商业计划书是一份全方位描述企业发展的文件,是企业经营者素质的体现,是企业拥有良好融资能力、实现跨式发展的重要条件之一。商业计划书怎么写才靠谱? 希望本课程可以通过制定良好的商业计划来帮助您扩展业务。